lørdag 19. desember 2009

mandag 19. oktober 2009


Sunny paradises, fresh powder, winterland, happy faces, playing, action, surf, pink, beaches, sand inbetween the toes, life, ice cream, islands, Hawaii, hammocks, sunsets, freedom, travels, music, mountains, eco friendly products, everyday moments, tropical drinks, our memory palace, corny pop, candyfloss, longboard, happy camping, cool gadgets, first time experiences, friends, hubba bubba, hartshaped post its, savex, scrap books, brown cheese and girls.

mandag 11. mai 2009






Lust:Very High


Discover Your Sins - Click Here

torsdag 5. mars 2009

Randomly facebook pic


Do you need to chat with someone?


mandag 2. mars 2009



Old Camera


Check it out!

Hip Hop Queens

lørdag 21. februar 2009

søndag 15. februar 2009

Just face it

Kinda Cool

Lil Wayne

mandag 9. februar 2009

Your Dream

Shes back !

Kinda a fairytale with you

Ever been getting your freind back?

onsdag 4. februar 2009

My Problem

mandag 26. januar 2009

easy read blog

Okay, you might wonder why my blog is just so easy, with almost no texts; but it is mostly because of all these blogs with a lot of personal life and personal touches and etc. And those are great, don't have me wrong, but I also like mine, a small, unpersonal blog with a lot of personal inspiration.

And I have to keep this style going, so I have to stop typing no. Stop!


You are beautiful

She is all mine. I am feeling so blessed for having this girl in my life. You are beautiful. I have been spending time with her in the weekend, and loved every single second. Thanks hon'! You know I do anything for you, girl.

torsdag 22. januar 2009

Obama for president

Do you like the new president?


torsdag 15. januar 2009

Take care!

Being gay

Being gay - right or wrong?

søndag 4. januar 2009

I really am obsessed with this girl

I find myself checking out her myspace constantly and look for her in every magazines I ever read. Do you think I might have a celebrity crush on Samantha Ronson? sorry, lindsay...